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07 Oct 2024

Skills development and career advancement at Novatize

Skills development and career advancement at Novatize

At Novatize, skills development is an important ingredient in advancing team members’ careers while remaining aligned with the company’s needs. To structure this, the Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a super-efficient tool that we’ve been using for several years now. It unites the employee’s objectives with those of the company, while respecting personal aspirations, individual talents and organizational needs. Some objectives call for a variety of approaches: on-the-job learning (learning by doing), mentoring or coaching with significant others (peer learning) and, of course, more theoretical and formal training such as online courses or certifications. By combining these learning methods, the IDP becomes a flexible solution that enables every employee to make concrete progress at their own pace, while quickly seeing the impact on their day-to-day work and performance.

Skills development is at the heart of our priorities, not only because it helps us strengthen our expertise, but also because it enables us to increase our internal mobility. Job changes, function evolution and promotions are concrete results of the efforts invested in training, and form an integral part of our employee experience. Here are a few testimonials:

Formerly a Front-End Developer, SĂ©bastien followed a development plan to become a Full-Stack Developer:

“My experience with the individual development plan began with a back-end ramp-up plan, supported by weekly follow-ups with my manager. I learned through resources and practical exercises in M Academy and Linkedin Learning, access to which was provided by Novatize, which enabled me to reach a sufficient level to land a job as a Full-Stack developer”.

– SĂ©bastien, Full-Stack Developer

How has Novatize or your manager supported you along your development path?

“During my learning path, my manager supported me by answering my questions and encouraging me to find solutions on my own. When I had difficulties, he adjusted my tasks and set up regular meetings, which really helped me to progress. Despite a challenging career, I’m enjoying what I’m doing and I’m very happy to be able to develop in a Full-Stack role”.

– SĂ©bastien, Full-Stack Developer

Trainee, recruitment consultant and then human resources consultant, Émilie followed a development plan to enable her to evolve into a generalist human resources role:

“When I started as an intern at Novatize, I quickly realized that the company offered me much more than just an internship experience. It was a real chance to develop both professionally and personally. For three years, I had the chance to continue training within the company while continuing my studies to perfect my skills. As soon as I expressed my desire to progress in this department, my manager encouraged me to take a certificate in human resources, choosing courses tailored to the skills I wanted to develop. In addition to reimbursing my tuition fees, I also had 1 half-day a week that I could take off to study and complete my courses. Today, as I approach the end of this certificate, I’m taking the Human Resources exam to become a CHRP and complete the development path I’ve followed over the past few years. Without their trust and commitment to my development, I would probably never have undertaken this return to school. I’m very happy to be developing at Novatize, to feel supported in my professional development and to have the feeling of being recognized within the firm”.

– Émilie, Human Resources Consultant

Formerly a Back-End Developer, Valentin followed a development plan to become DevOps.

“My individual development plan fell into place naturally, with a need for a DevOps resource in the company and an interest in the field on my side. I learned through training, certifications and practical tasks to improve our internal and customer environments and tools. Regular monitoring was carried out with my manager and director to make sure that objectives were achievable and to readjust tasks according to current needs. I’ve now been able to develop and master AWS tools, and help improve and secure our environments”.

– Valentin, DevOps

On her arrival as Product Manager, Stephanie was quickly promoted Lead Project Manager:

“I came to Novatize with almost ten years’ experience in my field and a thirst to develop my professional skills. Perceiving that Novatize was an environment conducive to this type of development, I shared my desire to advance my career as soon as I arrived, and was welcomed with enthusiasm and openness. When an opportunity arose to apply for a role that matched my aspirations, I was warmly encouraged to apply. Nearly a year later, I’m here as Lead Project Manager! Today, I’m lucky enough to be able to exercise this role with the confidence of my superiors, while feeling supported by my management peers and having access to training to perfect my knowledge in this specialist field”.

– Stephanie, Lead Project Manager

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