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19 Sep 2024

Amazon Prime Day 2024 – Our tips for merchants

Amazon Prime Day 2024 – Our tips for merchants

“In 2023, estimated sales for the two days of Prime Day were $12.9 billion USD. The majority of sales come from the U.S.” (1)

Summer 2024’s Amazon Prime Day was a real success, and fall’s is fast approaching, and we at Novatize want to help you get ready for this crucial time of year for Amazon sellers. Here’s everything you need to know to make the most of this exceptional sales opportunity!

What is Amazon Prime Day?

Prime Day is one of the most important commercial events of the year on Amazon and in eCommerce in general. In the United States, 64% of consumers have access to an Amazon Prime account (Generation Z at 54%, Millennials at 64% and Boomers at 63% (2)).

In 2023, Prime members purchased more than 375 million items worldwide and saved more than $2.5 billion on millions of deals in the Amazon store (3), making it the biggest Prime Day event to date. In 2024, expect even more engagement and record sales.


How do I prepare for Amazon Prime Day?

To maximize your sales during Prime Day, be sure to plan ahead. Create your offers and promotions to ensure maximum visibility. Also make sure your FBA inventory arrives at Amazon’s warehouses to avoid stock problems.

What are the important dates for Amazon Prime Day 2024?

Amazon Prime Day Summer 2024 took place on July 16 and 17, 2024.
Amazon Prime Day Autumn 2024 has been announced for October 8-9, 2024.


What are the opportunities for merchants on Amazon Prime Day?

Take advantage of the massive consumer engagement during Prime Day by using tools such as coupons and Lightning Deals to draw attention to your products. Plan and launch your advertising campaigns in advance to maximize your visibility before and during the event. Merchants who participated in Prime Day activities overall achieved a 10-fold increase in the daily number of Buy with Prime orders and an 8-fold increase in the daily sales generated by these orders during the Prime Day event period compared to the previous month. (4)


At Novatize, we’re here to help you optimize your performance during Prime Day 2024. Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your sales goals on marketplaces like Amazon.


Sources :

(4) idem.

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