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10 May 2024

TikTok Shop: An eCommerce opportunity yet to be seen

TikTok Shop: An eCommerce opportunity yet to be seen

TikTok is on everyone’s lips with the compromising political situation unfolding in the USA in 2024. The political stakes raised by the White House have led to the adoption of a law requiring its main company ByteDance to sell TikTok to a non-Chinese owner within the next year. Otherwise, the app will be banned, Americans will lose access and it will no longer be possible to download it.

Although TikTok will have the opportunity to challenge the decision in court before the deadline, it’s still too early to tell what the future holds for this social network. Of course, it’s to be expected that the next actions will have echoes all the way to Canada, which is closely monitoring the situation and is likely to take a similar decision to its neighbor. Indeed, it should not be forgotten that the Canadian government is also on its guard against the Chinese application, as we saw with the ban imposed on government devices in February 2023. So, TikTok’s precarious situation and uncertain future force us to question the allocation of its resources on the platform.With that being said, it’s not news that social networks are reshaping the way companies interact with their audiences, so it’s no surprise when eCommerce companies go crazy at the release of an emerging platform. In fact, more immersive user experiences, such as live shopping on TikTok, are among the eCommerce trends to watch in 2024. This article will introduce you to TikTok Shop, an in-app online store launched in September 2023, its features and benefits for businesses.

What is TikTok Shop?

TikTok Shop is a feature that enables users to discover and purchase products directly from the app. Integrated at the heart of the user experience, TikTok Shop offers companies a new way of presenting their products in a creative and engaging way, while remaining up-to-date with the behavior of today’s consumers.

Is TikTok Shop available in Canada?

Unfortunately, TikTok Shop is not yet available in Canada, so it’s best to be patient and prepared in case it does become available. By positioning themselves ahead of its deployment, companies can anticipate and prepare to take full advantage of this opportunity when it becomes available. Preparation therefore includes analyzing the competition in the U.S., which may offer solutions and strategies to emulate from day one in Canada. All it takes is investing time and resources in understanding TikTok Shop.

In fact, companies can already start preparing for the game by building an engaged community to reinforce their brand, positioning them advantageously for the launch of TikTok Shop in Canada. In short, we want to give ourselves a head start and be ready to seize every potential opportunity.

The online sales market in Canada is growing in importance every year. In 2024, 53% of Canadians store online at least once a week, compared with 61% of Americans. It’s also 26% of Canadians who buy online at least once a week (complete a transaction) compared to 42% of Americans.


Why use TikTok Shop?

Establishing a presence on TikTok Shop means opening a direct window onto millions of users ready to discover and buy your products. In 2023, nearly 37% of American users bought directly on the platform. This figure is set to rise to 67% by 2026, representing 95 million consumers in the U.S. alone.

With its creative and dynamic atmosphere, TikTok Shop enables you to instantly captivate your target audience, fostering an authentic connection with your brand. What’s more, thanks to its simplified purchasing process, TikTok Shop increases your chances of conversion and loyalty. Consider that Generation Z, the largest audience on TikTok, is 1.8 times more motivated to make purchases based on community. In this way, you show them your ability to keep up with the latest eCommerce trends and stay ahead of the game. Here are just a few examples of the benefits:

Instant visibility: With millions of active users every day, TikTok offers eCommerce businesses instant visibility, enabling them to reach a wider, more diverse audience.

Authentic engagement: By harnessing the creative, viral nature of TikTok, companies can create authentic, engaging content that resonates with their target audience, fostering deeper connection and meaningful interactions.

Increased conversions: Thanks to a seamless, immersive shopping experience, TikTok Shop helps businesses convert interested users more effectively into customers, boosting sales and revenues. To ensure an efficient conversion process throughout the buying journey, find out how to optimize your conversion rate on your eCommerce site

Trends and innovation: By adopting TikTok Shop, eCommerce companies demonstrate their commitment to innovation and their ability to adapt to emerging e-commerce trends, thereby strengthening their market position.

It’s definitely worth considering advertising on TikTok in both peak and off-peak seasons. Find out how to adapt your eCommerce marketing strategy to seasonal trends.


Key features of TikTok Shop

  • Live shopping: Shop directly during a live broadcast by clicking on pinned products or navigating to the shopping cart icon.
  • Shoppable videos: Shop directly from a Shoppable video in the feed by tapping on the product link and shopping cart icon.
  • Shop page: Access the product catalog and buy directly from a brand or designer’s integrated boutique.
  • Shop tab: Search and store all products presented by companies, all from a single tab.
  • Affiliate program: Content creators can now collaborate with sellers via commission-based product marketing opportunities. Sellers have the freedom to choose the affiliate plan that best suits their brand.

According to a study made by Novatize and Léger in 2023, 24% of Canadians are inclined to make online purchases via live video (livestream). This is a trend to keep an eye on, both on TikTok and on platforms like Twitch and Amazon.

In keeping with the idea of unified commerce in its practices, companies have every interest in using the tools mentioned on this platform to optimize the presence of their products throughout the customer’s buying journey. One example is live video presentations of products in-store, using the live shopping function to encourage the audience to buy what they see in real time. 

Find out more about unified commerce in the full article here.

In short, TikTok Shop offers seamless integration with the TikTok interface, providing users with a seamless shopping experience without leaving the app. At the heart of TikTok Shop, TikTok videos enable companies to present their products in a lively and captivating way. In addition, integrated conversion tools, such as “Buy Now” buttons and direct links to product pages, simplify the purchasing process for interested customers. Finally, advanced analytics tools are available to track campaign performance, enabling ongoing optimization and data-driven decisions.

TikTok Shop remains an opportunity for eCommerce companies to take advantage of social commerce and drive growth. By integrating this revolutionary feature into their marketing and sales strategy, companies can not only increase their visibility and engagement, but also effectively convert TikTok users into loyal customers. Although the future of TikTok is still unclear, it would be a shame to miss out on this promising eCommerce opportunity, so it’s highly recommended to keep an eye on developments over the coming months.

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