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Alternative 113

Modernizing to offer the best customer service in the market.

Board shop wins bet on omnichannel experience with Magento 2 in order to compete at an international level. All development ensures autonomous marketing management.

Numbers speak for themselves

+50 000

SKUs synchronized


Conversion rate

iPhone mockup alternative113


Becoming an online leader in the boardshop industry

Alternative113 is a Quebec pioneer in the snowboard, skateboard and urban fashion market. Having stood out with a first online store in 2006, the brand has been managed and operated by snowboarders since its foundation. Their priority: to offer good quality products and exceptional customer service.


Modernize to evolve

The implementation of the Magento 2 solution connected with the ERP within the organization has enabled Alternative113 to honor their promise to offer more to their customers. An approach based on the unification of systems and validity of information brings the brand to life for the company’s international customers.

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Notre méthodologie a permis à Alternative113 de développer ses futurs plans de commercialisation et de maintenir son avance dans le marché. La nouvelle expérience a influencé directement les ventes en ligne et la gestion simplifiée des opérations liées au commerce électronique a permis à l’entreprise de se concentrer sur leur réelle valeur ajoutée: le service client.

The Novatize team has modernized our digital infrastructure so that we can continue to grow and serve our customers up to our high standards.

Patrick Trottier

Snowboader and owner - Alternative113