Discover the eCommerce consumption trends of Canadians to watch in 2024. Download the report

The eCommerce Consumption Trends of Canadians to Watch in 2023

The eCommerce consumption behaviours of Canadians have greatly evolved in recent years. The democratization of artificial intelligence offers new technological possibilities to merchants, such as streaming, voice recognition, and personalization. What is the portrait of the market and consumption in 2023 for online sales in Canada?


45% of Canadians are inclined to use shopping recommendations and tips, by purchasing behavior and profile

The more consumers provide access to a large amount of information, the more effective and personalized this kind of tool will become in terms of this advice. With personal data protection trends and new laws regulating this matter, it will be interesting to observe how comfortable consumers will be with disclosing their information and what the level of transparency of brands will be regarding the use of this data. However, it should always be kept in mind that the way of collecting and using this data must be done ethically.

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24% of Canadians are inclined to shop online via livestream video

With the rising popularity of streaming platforms such as Twitch with young people, it is quite likely that companies will introduce more and more online sales strategies involving these platforms. Especially since the takeover of Twitch by Amazon, the development of the features offered on this kind of platform should head in this direction.

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23% of Canadians are inclined to shop online using a voice assistant

Voice recognition tools that use artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly effective. It is reasonable to assume that the level of uptake among users will increase if the experience is more pleasant and efficient. Thanks to AI, voice assistants will now be able to interpret multifactor information to provide more nuance and relevance. Today, the potential benefit compared to the technological complexity means that this is generally not favorable.

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Rapport Novatize x Léger

“The technological revolution in recent years has transformed eCommerce. It’s important for companies to stay ahead of the curve, but not at any cost. Just because a trend is new doesn’t mean it has to be adopted. We want to equip eCommerce professionals to make informed, fact-based decisions. Novatize is an ally for companies in their business decision-making process.”

François-Jérôme Gosselin, president of Novatize

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